International Human Rights Coalition Joins Forces: Amicus Brief Filed in Ninth Circuit

Gibbs Houston Pauw helped A group of over 140 international human rights organizations, bar associations, and social justice movement lawyers from around the world file an amicus curiae brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

The brief supports the plaintiffs-appellants, Defense for Children International- Palestine,  who are challenging the United States’ compliance with the international prohibition against genocide.

The brief was filed on March 14, 2024, by attorneys Jeena Shah, Sara Beladi, Adam W. Boyd and Dan Siegel representing the amici curiae. The amici curiae are comprised of groups committed to upholding principles of equality, justice, and dignity, including impacted communities and marginalized individuals. They note that gravity of what is at stake here cannot be overstated. The amici highlight the need to curtail the ongoing horror unfolding in Gaza before the world’s eyes, the moral imperative to prevent genocide, and the importance of respecting fundamental norms of international law. The United States’ unconditional support for Israeli attacks on Palestinians in Gaza constitutes a substantial breach of international law. This support could be seen as complicity in genocide, given the massive, ongoing Israeli military attacks and humanitarian deprivations targeting Palestinians in Gaza. 

The amici curiae argue that the United States’ compliance with the norm prohibiting genocide can only be enforced by the federal judiciary. They urge the Ninth Circuit to allow the case to proceed, stating that declining jurisdiction would result in foreclosing all judicial avenues to enforce this most fundamental of norms against the United States. 

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